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Toán đố về phân số - One atta Time

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Khánh có một cục bột trét ngớ ngẩn dài 224 inch. Nếu anh ta kéo dài nó ra gấp 312 lần độ dài hiện tại của nó thì nó sẽ dài bao nhiêu?
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Each full boxes weighs 4 12 lbs. If you have 3 full boxes and one box that is 13 full, how much would they weigh?
Each full boxes weighs 4 12 lbs. If you have a box that is 13 full, how much would it weigh?
Each full boxes weighs 4 12 lbs. If you have 3 full boxes how much would they weigh?
Each full boxes weighs 4 lbs. If you have a box that is 13 full, how much would it weigh?
Each full boxes weighs 12 of a pound. If you have a box that is 13 full, how much would it weigh?
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